Дозвіл уряду Ню-Джерзі на створення Фундації УВУ (текст)


TO: The Secretary of State
State House
Trenton New Jersey 08625


1. The name by which the corporation is to be known in law is:


2. The purposes for which it is formed are:

a. To preserve Ukrainian conscientiousness and identity, cultural heritage and tradition among Ukrainian Youth especially among students of higher educational institutions, in the United States of America and abroad;

b. To provide financial aid and moral assistance to the students of Ukrainian language, history, culture, geography and other subjects on Ukraine, its past and present, and to the institutions which provide such education;

c. To establish, direct and support educational, charitable and cultural institutions for the furtherance of the above objectives;

d. To publish, circulate, and sell publications and to exercise any, and alt, and every power in carrying out the corporation’s- purposes that may be conferred upon corporations formed under the Non-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New Jersey;

e. To receive and acquire by grant, gift, purchase, devise, bequest or otherwise, as may be lawful, money and real and personal property of any kind, and to hold, accumulate; invest and reinvest, or dispose of such property, or the income derived therefrom for the furtherance of the above objectives;

f. To receive, raise, maintain, administer and to distribute funds, or the income therefrom, for the purposes specified above;

g. To purchase, lease, hold, sell, develop, mortgage, convey or otherwise acquire or dispose of real or personal property necessary, proper or incidental for the carrying out of the purposes of the corporation;

h. To encourage the promotion and establishment of subordinate and subsidiary branches at any place and to have the general supervision and government thereof, with power to grant charters to said subordinate or subsidiary branches;

i. To conduct this activity and to achieve these objectives without pecuniary profit;

j. This corporation is not organized for the pecuniary profit of its directors, officers or members, nor may it issue stock or distribute dividends, and no part of its net income shall inure to the benefit of any officer, director or member, and any balance of money or assets remaining after the full payment of corporate obligations of any kind shall be devoted solely to the charitable, educational, and benevolent purposes of the corporation.

3. The corporate office shall be located at 240 Hope Avenue, Passaic, Passaic County, New Jersey. The corporate activities shall encompass the entire State of New Jersey, all other States of the United States of America and any part of the Eastern or Western Hemisphere as the Trustees, Directors, and Officers may decide.

4. The number of Trustees shall be three (3) for the first year of the corporation’s existence, and the names and post office addresses of the Trustees’ selected are as follows:

John Marchenko, 129 Westervelt Place, Passaic, N.J. 07055

John Burtyk, 214 * 6th Street, Clifton, New Jersey 07015

Eugene Fedorenko, 10 Marston Drive, Morris Plains, N.J. 07950

5. The name and post office address or the resident agent of said corporation upon whom process against the corporation may be served is:

John Burtyk, 214 * 6th Street, Clifton, New Jersey 07015

5 A. Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board of Directors shall after payment of all liabilities, dispose of all the assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purposes and in such manner or to such an organization or organizations organize and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify for exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the internal Revenue Service Code of 1954.

5 B. This foundation, will not, as a substantial part of its activities attempt to influence legislation, or participate to any extent in a political campaign for or against any candidate for public office.

5 C. Any Trustee or any Director of the Foundation, may, by written instrument, signed and acknowledged resign his office. The number of Trustees shall be at all time not less than two (2), and the number of Directors at all times shall be not less than four (4) at all times, and whenever for any reason the numbers are reduced to less than required, there shall be and at any other time may be, appointed one or more additional Trustees or Directors. Appointments shall be made by the Trustees or Directors for the time in office by written instruments signed and acknowledged. Any succeeding or additional Trustee or Director shall upon his acceptance of this office by written instruments signed and acknowledged, have the same powers, rights and duties as his predecessors. None of the Trustees or Directors shall be required to furnish any bond or surety. None of the Trustees or Directors shall be responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any other of the Trustees or any predecessor, or of a custodian, agent, depository or counsel, selected with reasonable care.

5 D. This foundation is to be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of New Jersey.

6. The Board of Directors for the first year shall be five (5) in number and the names and addresses of the Directors are as follows:

Alexander Nychka, 43 Van Winkle Avenue, Passaic, N.J. 07055

Halyna Bobylak, 18 Portland Avenue, Clifton, N.J. 07011

Peter Goy, 101 * 2nd Avenue, New York, New York 10003

Yaroslav Padoch, 71 East 7th Street, New York, New York 10003

Imre Kardashinetz, 108 W. Newell Ave., Rutherford, N.J. 07070

7. Membership of the Corporation shall consist of persons, who are in the agreement with the purposes of the Corporation and are willing and randy through their work and contributions to fulfill the above purposes.

8. The Corporation shall engage only in activities, which accomplish one or more of such exempt purposes as are specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the incorporators of the above named corporation; have hereunto signed this Certificate of Incorporation on the 28 day of February, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy Five.


Signed, Sealed and
Delivered in the Presence
Attorney-at-Law of New Jersey








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